Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Zi dian 5


稀客 Rare visitor
富态 Rich attitude
气色 Complexion
外企 Foreign enterprise
高就 Higher position
发号施令 Issue order
凑合 Not so bad
民营 Private
经商 Engage in trade
樊 Fan
久仰 I'm very pleased to meet you
幸会 Nice to meet
阁下 Your Excellency
仰慕 Admire
骄人 Proud
如日中天 Rise in this world
承蒙 Due to
老总 Boss
提携 Guide and support
顺带 In passing
总裁 President
前后脚 Before and after foot
紧赶 Catch closely
喘口气 Take a breath
框框 Circle
调头 Tune
一哄而起 Rush headlong into mass action
地皮 Land for building
一窝蜂 As a swarm of bees
凑 Gather
闲心 Leisurely mood
焦头烂额 Badly battered
揪心 Heartrending
股民 Stock owner
晴雨表 Barometer
气派 Magnificent
品味 Taste
在行 Expert at
恭维 Compliment
略知一二 Have a smattering of
拼杀 Grapple
雅兴 Aesthetic mood
消遣 Pastime
称道 Praise
一饱眼福 Feast one's eyes
赏光 Oblige
夺。。所爱 Take . . Love
奉送 Offer as a gift
君子一言。。。驷马难追 The gentleman is one speech. . . The team of four horses is difficult to chase

谨 Sincerely
远道而来 Come from afar
不亦乐乎 Extremely
尊贵 Honourable
老天 God
开恩 Show mercy
美味佳肴 Delicious food
风貌 Style and features
看重 Value
由衷 Sincere
开端 Beginning
空手而归 Return empty
为。。。起见 . . .
闲话休叙 The digression stopping and chatting
配套 Form a complete set
七通一平 Seven times and a tie
度假村 Holiday village
回报率 Payback
客源 Traveller
开门见山 Come straight to the point
总监 Director
抱有 Entertain
期望 Expectation
开拓 Open-up
背道而驰 Run in the opposite direction
基于 Because of
变通 Make changes according to specific conditions
风和日丽 With gentle breezes and warm sunshine
郁郁葱葱 Grow green and fresh
不愧 Deserve to be called
好汉 Brave man
言归正传 Return from a digression
当务之急 Task of top priority
启动 Arrival
入手 Start with
测算 Calculate
预算 Budget
惠顾 Patronage
促销 Promotion
仰仗 Rely on
草拟 Draw up
抛砖引玉 Cast a brick to attract jade
高见 Brilliant idea
过谦 Too modest
多礼 Many gifts
财源滚滚 Very rich
借您吉言 Borrow you a lucky speech
抢滩 Beach
登陆 Land
诱人 Captivating
坐失良机 Lose an opportunity
决策 Make policy
调研 Investigation and research
竭诚 Wholeheartedly
现场 Scene
铆钉 Rivet
蒙受 Suffer
当初 Originally
实地 On the spot
由于。。。所致 Because. . . Cause
诉讼 Lawsuit
增进 Promotion
共识 Common understanding
就此 At this point
接洽 Contact
抢手 In great demand
配额 Quota
所剩无几 There is not much left
橱窗 Show window
陈列 Display
有助于 Contribute to
承受 Bear
斑斑点点 Spot
乐于 Glad
高档 Top-grade
取决于 Depend on
底价 Base price
质地 Quality
优于 Superior to
弥合 Make up
削价 Cut price
着眼于 Focus on
破格 Break a rule
谷底 Valley bottom
钻机 Rig
祥见 See auspiciously
敲定 Decide
禁得起 Able to stand
仲裁 Arbitration
大功告成 Crowned with success
召集 Convene
尾声 Coda
投产 Operation
验收 Confirmation
万事大吉 Everything is just fine
交涉 Negotiation
后勤 Logistics
勘探 Exploration
散会 Finish the meeting
革新 Innovation
持平 Fair
无意 Have no intention
数控 Numerical control
模糊 Fuzzy
精度 Precision
微米 Micron
识别 Discernment
快捷 Swift
浏览 Have a look around
总共 Altogether
属实 True
抽查 Spot check
沉淀 Sediment
这等 Like this
销毁 Destroy by melting or burning

吸取 Draw
仍同割爱 Still with give up what one treasures
筛选 Screening
兜着 Wrapping up
追查 Trace
婆婆妈妈 Dodder and chat like an old woman
报批 Report for approval
从严 Strict
冒昧 Take the liberty
含量 Content
急人所急 Eager to meet the needs of others
久拖不决 Fail to solve after a long delay
拟定 Draft
保税区 Bonded area
招商 Trade and investment promotion
引资 Bring in funds
软件 Software
园区 Garden
证券 Securities
解散 Dismissal
另作 Do separately
上网 Net surfing
网络 Network
开销 Expenses
页面 Page
加载 Load
镜像 Mirror image
节点 Node
赐教 Give advice
垂询 Condescend to inquire
字据 Written pledge
凭证 Evidence
一经 Once
即告 Will
自行 By oneself
损耗 Loss
实属 Really
口感 Mouthfeel
面长 One is long
媲美 Match in excellence or beauty
荣获 Win
授予 Authorize
喧沸 Boil noisily
止咳 Relieve a cough
血脂 Fat of blood
意下如何 How under purpose
有约在先 Have a previous engagement
敷衍 Perfunctory
搪塞 Stall off
变卦 Break an agreement
片头 Titles of a film
截至 Up to
竞买 Compete and buy
待价而沽 Wait for the right price to sell
按说 Normally
半路杀促个程咬金 Kill short Cheng Yaojins in the midway
毁约 Break one's promise
丘陵 Hills
负荷 Load
超载 Overload
载重 Load
吨位 Tonnage
少安毋躁 Don't be impatient
能耗 Energy consumption
累累 Innumerable
举步维艰 Have difficulty in taking a step
中肯 Apropos
勤俭 Hardworking and thrifty
鼎力 Strength of the pot
接手 Take over
棘手 Thorny
出格 Act improperly
不可或缺 Indispensable
诸多 A great deal of
何尝 Not it is not
翻番 Double
水涨船搞 Water rises the ship to do
苦衷 Difficulties
估算 Estimation
鉴于 In view of
不失为 Can yet be regarded as
斐然 Marked
器重 Think highly of
苦思冥想 Think long and hard
家喻户晓 Widely known
一席之地 One seat
角逐 Contention
鼎足 Leg of the tripod
招数 Trick
独占鳌头 Come out top
不谋而合 Perfectly in harmony or agreement without previous consultation
可谓 One may well say
备忘录 Memorandum
牵涉面 Concern
另行 Separately
上策 Best plan
手头 On hand
绰绰有余 More than sufficient
偷税 Tax evasion
漏税 Evade taxation
冻结 Freeze
强制 Pressure
查封 Close down
尊严 Dignity
宽限 Tolerance
纳税 Pay taxes
逃税 Evade taxes
有序 In order
姑息 Condone
纵容 Connive at
高抬贵手 Magnanimous
三番五次 Again and again
置之不理 Ignorance
吸纳 Receive
通融 Get around regulations
诉至 Tell that comes
吃不饱 Can't have enough
生机 Life
不言而喻 Self-evident
僵 Stiff
既往不咎 Let bygones be bygones
化干戈为玉帛 Turn hostility into friendship
皆大欢喜 To the satisfaction of all
效劳 Serve
轻罪 Misdemeanor
触犯 Offence
包含 Include
判决 Judgement
避重就轻 Shirk the heavy work and choose the light
更有甚者 What is more
定论 Final conclusion
激素 Hormone
误导 Misleading
中伤 Slander
惑众 Mislead the people
大哥大 Mobile telephone
卓著 Distinguished
海涵 Tolerate it
容忍 Tolerance
消气 Cool down
搁置 Lay aside
一拖再拖 Tow again and again
息怒 Calm down
届时 When the time comes
筹划 Prepare
刊载。。分上 Publication. . Divide
磁化 Magnetization
喷气 Jet-propelled
欺诈 Swindle
要挟 Coerce
摞 Pile up
卷宗 Folder
取证 Collect evidence
生死攸关 Of vital importance
救人一命,胜造七级浮屠 Save people's life, the seven-stories pagoda
承诺 Commitment
互惠互利 Mutual reciprocity and mutual benefit
反馈 Feedback
不遗余力 Do one's utmost
食言 Break one's promise
退税 Refund of tax
兑现 Fulfill
报表 Report form
催问 Press for asking
经手 Handle
骗税 Tax fraud
屡有 Repeatly have
在即 In sight
注入 Pour into
当真 Take it seriously
千真万确 Absolutely true
收益 Income
焦虑 Anxious
型号 Type
误工 Delay work
到。。。地步 Arrive. . . Stage
言必信, 行必果 True to the word and resolute in action
静候佳音 Wait the good news quietly
胜诉 Win a lawsuit
致使 Cause
归属 Belong to
板上钉钉 Clinch a deal
非。。莫属 Not. . Don't belong to
胜券在握 Sure to win
谢天谢地 Thank goodness
诺言 Promise
庆功 Celebrate victory
预料 Expectation
势必 Certainly will
料想 Suspect
淡雅 Simple and elegant
不虚此行 The trip has been well worthwhile
古怪 Odd
相对于。。。而言 As to. . . And the speech
组件 Package
花哨 Garish
取而代之 Replaced
甜点 Dessert
偏好 Partiality
亮丽 Beautiful
耀眼 Dazzling
器皿 Ware
行家 Expert
无须 Needn't
预示 Indication
下滑 Glide
错过 Miss
甘拜下风 Candidly acknowledge one's inferiority
函电 Letters and cables
无疑 Undoubtedly
显而易见 Obvious
附属 Attach to
跨国公司 Trans-corporation
核算 Check and calculate
自负盈亏 Profit-and-loss responsibility
袖手旁观 Stand by and do nothing
保涵 Protect and contain
适销 Adapt to
定然 Certainly
胜任 Competent
从事 Engaged in
苛刻 Harsh
轻而易举 Easy
营销 Marketing
工薪 Salary
见教 Favor me with your advice
附加值 Added value
高不可攀 Too high to reach
下调 Downward modulation
价位 Price
群体 Colony
薄利多销 Small profits and quick turnover
诚信无欺 Sincerity has not been taken advantage of
订约 Contract
无庸置疑 Undoubtedly
允诺 Promise
理亏 In the wrong
存心 Intentions
过不去 Can't go over
提取 Draw
估量 Appraise
分红 Share bonus
莫大 Greatest
作罢 Drop
调解 Mediation
鼓风机 Air-blower
劳您大家 Work you you
庭外 Outside the front yard
既成事实 Accomplished fact
主管 Executive
将错就错 Leave a mistake uncorrected and make the best of it
收购 Purchase
当仁不让 Take as own duty
锱铢必较 Haggle over every penny
电钮 Push button
仁至义尽 Magnanimous
废品 Wasted product
投诉 Appeal
一空 Empty
摊位 Stand
仓储 Storage
流逝 Pass
举足轻重 Very important
不进则退 Not to advance is to go back
直截了当 Straightforward
山楂 Hawthorn
罕见 Rare
理赔 Settle a claim
冲销 Write off
钦佩 Admiration
无。。。可言 No. . . Can speak
看跌 Expected to fall
大相径庭 Far from each other
折衷 Trade off
均摊 Share equally
以。。。著称 Israel. . . Remarkable
青睐 Favor
断送 Forfeit
以此类推 So as to analogize
埋伏 Hide
悉听尊便 According to your preference
第一手 Firsthand
实质性 Substance
缓和 Relaxation
两不误 Miss neither
未尝不可 It should be all right
破费 Spend money
面谈 Speak face to face
落 Fall
款待受阻 Entertain and is obstructed
境遇 Circumstances
为时已晚 It is late
有。。直嫌 Yes. . Dislike directly
回旋 Circle round
时至今日 Even to this day
不可抗力 Force majeure
有何贵干 What's your business here
义演 Benefit performance
捐赠 Present
筹办 Make arrangements for
赞助 Patronage
道义 Morality and justice
公益 Public good
超支 Overspend
调度 Dispatcher
爱莫能助 Willing to help but unable to do so
狮子大开口 Boast
燃眉之急 Matter of great urgency
千儿八百 A thousand children 800
领情 Appreciate the kindness
囊中羞涩 Embarrasingly short of money
品牌 Brand
前者 The former
后者 The latter
接轨 Integrate
受益非浅 Benefit a great deal
无形 Invisible
唯独 Only
招聘 Recruitment
取材 Draw materials
在乎 Mind
不妨 Might as well
另谋高就 Find another higher post
厚爱 Great kindness
谈不上 Far from being
劣势 Inferior position
一味 Simply
抛售 Heavy selling
长久之计 Long-term plan
竞相 Competitively
压缩 Compression
产业 Industry
停滞不前 Stagnate
再者说 Moreover say
自讨苦吃 Ask for trouble
老牌儿 Old brand
起步 Start
权衡 Weigh
利弊 Pros and cons
耗资 Expensive
顾虑 Worry
撒胡椒面儿 Spread the ground pepper child
有违 Violate
定夺 Decide
未免 Rather
走势 Tendency
诸如 Such as
苟同 Agree
并轨 Merger
稳中有生 Hit and grow steadily
有失于 Lose on
以诚相告 Israel informs sincerely
隐瞒 Concealment
传言 Hearsay
有根有据 On good grounds
优厚 Munificent
引诱 Seduction
排挤 Squeeze
三色而行 Three color does
听信 Believe
不实之词 Untrue words
另起炉灶 Make a fresh start
轻信 Readily believe
多虑 Worry too much
视同儿戏 Treat as child's play
夜长梦多 A long night is fraught with dreams
立项 Set up
当机立断 Decide on the spot
精明强干 Keen and wise
争先恐后 Fall over each other
贸促会 Council for the promotion of international trade
缺陷 Defect
无懈可击 Perfect
排忧解难 Remove difficulties and alleviate sufferings
佼佼者 Outstanding one
交待 Explain
无可奉告 Have nothing to speak
面熟 Look familiar
策划 Planning
灵通 Well informed
长项 One grows
多如牛毛 As many as the hairs on an ox
应接不暇 Have more visitors or business than one can attend to
创意 Intention
构思 Plot
含蓄 Implicit
拍板 Clapstict board
步步紧逼 Press hard step by step
保本 Break even
蜿言 Wriggle and speak
谢绝 Decline
搁浅 Stranded
胃口 Appetite
赖账 Repudiate a debt
天经地义 Right and proper
拖欠 In arrears with
三角债 Chain debts
救命稻草 Straw to clutch at
何苦 Uncalled-for
剽窃 Plagiarization
等米下锅 Await rugently necessary condition
买方市场 Buyer's market
求之不得 Too glad
后话 What happened latter
迭起 Happen frequently
白热化 Fierce
飙升 Rise violently
耐人寻味 Thought-provoking
归结 Sum up
御敌 Resist enemies
涌入 Pour in
行列 Ranks
相去甚远 Greatly differ from each other
鱼龙混杂 Fish and dragons mix up together
良莠不齐 Very different
长此以往 If things go on like this
不堪设想 Too ghastly to contemplate
与。。抗衡 With. . Contend
担忧 Worry
拱手让出 Making an obeisance and abdicate
资深 Senior
持。。。观点 Hold . . . View
弥补 Remedy
抑制 Suppress
谨防 Careful
起航 Set sail
纬度 Latitude
未雨绸缪 Provide for a rainy day
不测 Accident
贻误 Affect adversely
偌大 Of such a size
锈蚀 Corrosion
老化 Wear out
可尽职责 Can try the duty best
征用 Requisition
囿于 Limited to
打着。。。旗号 Hitting . . . Banner
溜之大吉 Sneak away
撂荒 Put down the wasteland
比比皆是 Can be found everywhere
锐减 Fall sharply
投机取巧 Wheel and deal
自食其果 Eat one's own bitter fruit
多心 Suspicious
划拨 Allocate
故交 So hand in
见缝插针 Seize every opportunity
跻身。。。行列 Rank among. . . Ranks
凤毛麟角 As rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn's horn
铤而走险 Make a desperate move
眼巴巴 Helpless
辩驳 Dispute
切忌 Must guard against
拿。。。是文 Take. . . It is gentle
恕 Forgive
不仁 Heartless
打开天窗说亮话 Have a frank , straight talk
按部就班 Follow the prescribed order
联名 Sign jointly
膳宿 Board and lodging
背信弃义 Break faith
有错必救 Mistaken must rescue
操办 Make arrangements of
回扣 Commission
入账 Credit
若要人不知,除非己莫为 If you don't want people to know what you've done, you'd better not do it
心存侥幸 The heart stores by sheer good luck
参与 Participation
来龙去脉 Ins and outs
重申 Reaffirm
包庇 Harbourage
从轻发落 Deal with leniently
诡秘 Surreptitious
水落石出 The truth will prevail in the end
域名 Domain name
网址 Website
不屑一顾 Scorn to take even a glance at
不亚于 Not second to
巧取豪夺 Rob by trick or force
行径 Conduct
别有用心 Have ulterior motives
为。所不齿 . Despise
得意忘形 Slaphappy
卷入。。。之中 Involved in. . . In
颁布 Issue
裁定 Adjudication
周折 Setbacks
贪得无厌 Insatiably avaricious
对簿公堂 Face a charge in court
搬起石头砸自己的脚 Move the stone and break one's own foot
竹篮打水一场空 All in vain
版本 Edition
供认不讳 Confess everything
模板 Template
故态复萌 Relapse into one's old bad habit
是可忍,孰不可忍 How can this be tolerated
一筹莫展 Can find no way out
牟取暴利 Seek exorbitant profit
一条龙 A dragon
窝点 Den
标本兼治 Treat both principal and secondary aspect of disease
半途而废 Give up halfway
追溯 Trace back to
以。。。为主业 Israel. . . It is a staple
英。。。要求 Great Britain. . . Require
错觉 Illusion
夸大其词 Make an overstatement
明摆着 Obvious
措词 Word
出尔反尔 Go back on the words
以。。之心 Israel. . Heart
置之度外 Have no regard for
摊牌 Have a showdown
充裕 Abundant
舱位 Freight space
另当别论 Will not talk about another
斑点 Spot
截然 Completely
瑕疵 Flaw
通关 Clear customs
随即 Immediately
原封不动 Remain untouched
影印 Photomechanical printing
换言之 In other words
大宗 Large
履约 Honour an agreement
分保商 Code insurance trader
融通 Circulation
盛情难却 It would be ungracious not to accept your invitation
受宠若惊 Overwhelmed by superior's favor
不厌其烦 Tirelessly
省却 Save
物有所值 Worth
效力 Render a service
优质优价 High quality and favourable price
代销 Sell on a commission basis
洗耳恭听 Listen with respectful attention
碰头 Meet
底牌 Hand
下限 Lower limit
事已至此 Under the circumstances
费口舌 Take a lot of explaining
内幕 Inside story
出马 Act
胜败乃兵家常事 Victory or defeat is a common thing for the soldier
一塌糊涂 In a complete mess
翻船 Shipwreck
空投 Air-drop
交割 Complete a business transaction
卖空 Sell short
留得青山在,不怕没柴烧 Where there is life, there is hope
涉嫌 Suspected of being involved in
散心 Relieve boredom
对号 Check the number
盘点 Make an inventory
下落 Whereabouts
呆账 Bad debt
冲抵 Defray
库房 Storehouse
失窃 Suffer loss by theft
监守自盗 Defalcate
说。。不。。 Say. . No. .
缓 Slow
一无所获 Gainless
心急吃不成热豆腐 Can't eat impatiently into the hot bean curd
天生 Born
指点迷津 Point out the right way
欠缺 Deficient
灰心 Disheartened
功夫不负有心人 Everything comes to him who waits
来日方长 There is ample time for doing sth.
抽逃 Smoke and escape
雪上加霜 Disasters pile up on one another
资不抵债 Do not pay one's debts with all his assets
何去何从 Which course should be followed and which course should be rejected
表态 Statement
山穷水尽 In desperate straits
心血 Energies
折价 Convert into money
追加 Add to
在此一举 At one blow here
分摊 Assessment
吃一堑,长一智 A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit
精诚 Absolute sincerity
繁琐 Tedious
打消 Give up
若非 If not
印染 Printing and dyeing
色泽 Color and luster
纯正 Pure
绚丽多姿 Gorgeous
涤棉 Polyester-cotton blend
粘胶 Glue the glue
混纺 Blending
鱼腥 The fish smells of fish
上述 Above-mentioned
转售 Resell
将近 Nearly
数额 Number
白梨 White pear
提请 Submit to
要务 Important task
缠身 Burdened with
打交道 Come into contacts
幢 One
集。。为一体。。。 Collection. . It is an organic whole. . .
样板 Model
现成 Ready-made
一目了然 Very clear
试点 Pilot project
热点 Focus
借助 Draw support from
融资 Financing
短缺 Shortage
债券 Bond
增值 Appreciation
放宽 Relaxation
计委 Planning commission
日趋 Becoming
从。。侧面 From. . Side
境况 Circumstances
蒸蒸日上 Becoming more prosperous every day
指控 Accuse
倾销 Dump
以。。告终 Israel. . End up
妥协 Compromise
据理力争 Argue strongly on just grounds
应诉 Should tell
虚张声势 Bluff
臆测 Conjecture
莫须有 Unwarranted
听之任之 Let matters drift
气焰 Bluster
嚣张 Arrogant
无形中 Virtually
扬眉吐气 Feel proud and elated
茅塞顿开 Recover from a slow start
多元化 Pluralism
压缩机 Compressor
集成电路 Integrated circuit
主业 Staple
隔行如隔山 Difference in profession makes one feel worlds apart
眼红 Covet
纵深 Depth
妄谈 Talk irresponsibly
反观 Review
满盘皆输 The full set is all lost
撒胡椒面儿 Spread the ground pepper child
轻言 Talk about rashly
名列前茅 Come out at the top
殊荣 Special honours
名噪一时 Enjoy fleeting fame
销声匿迹 Make no public appearances
一针见血 Hit the nail on the head
买账 Acknowledge
诋毁 Slander
无独有偶 It is not unique
涉足 Set foot in
桥头堡 Bridgehead
重组 Reorganization

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