经济与社会 下
若干 Several
先导 Guide
使命 Mission
鱼米之乡 Land of plenty
机制 Mechanism
咽喉 Throat
附着 Adhere to
蔚为壮观 Afford a magnificent spectacle
闽 Fujian
泡沫 Foam
风采 Elegance
前沿 Front
运转 Operation
拉动 Pulling
估量 Appraise
运作 Operation
次级 Secondary
布局 Overall arrangement
主流 Mainstream
框架 Frame
整合 Combine
连贯 Consistent
抗衡 Contend
动 Move
营运 Operation
构建 Construction
盛名 Great reputation
参照 Consult
荣誉 Honor
依托 Rely on
单打独斗 The singles are struggled against alone
内在 Inherent
关联 Related
知名度 Popularity
接轨 Integrate
势头 Momentum
交汇 Cross
发育不良 The development is bad
命脉 Lifeblood
系列 Series
着力 Put forth effort
绝无权有 Have no right to have definitely
奇迹 Miracle
首席执行官 CEO
罗盘 Compass
履 Shoe
思维 Thinking
颠簸 Jolt
肺腑 Heart
冉冉 Slowly
角色 Role
多寡 Number
跻身 Rank among
较量 Trial of strength
底线 Bottom line
眺望 Overlook
接头 Connect
典礼 Ceremony
濒临 Close to
见证 Witness
嘉宾 Honoured guest
调控 Regulation and control
定式 Fixing type
束缚 Constraint
钦佩 Admiration
激情 Passion
凝聚 Condense
透支 Overdraw
接头 Connect
极限 Limit
氛围 Atmosphere
心血 Energies
显著 Remarkable
奠基 Lay a foundation
抉择 Choice
战战兢兢 Gingerly
惊涛海浪 Frightful billows and waves and wave
惊心动魄 Soul-stirring
濒临 Close to
3 3
核算 Check and calculate
萎缩 Shrink
通胀 Inflation
定律 Law
估算 Estimation
待遇 Treatment
衡量 Measurement
挂钩 Hook
见证 Witness
复兴 Rejuvenation
超标 Exceed standard
荒漠 Desert
频度 Frequentness
烈度 Earthquake intensity
能耗 Energy consumption
疏忽 Carelessness
诉讼 Lawsuit
定义 Define
度量 Tolerance
固定资本 Fixed capital
剔除 Reject
规划 Plan
倚重 Rely on for counsel
输血 Blood transfusion
公益 Public good
支付 Payment
基尼系数 Gini coefficient
所得税 Income tax
增值税 Value-added tax
执政 In power
考核 Examination
变数 Parameter
会计 Accountant
统筹 Pool
协调 Coordination
酝酿 Ferment
政绩 Achievements
核算 Check and calculate
委缩 The committee contracts
通胀 Inflation
定律 Law
估算 Estimation
待遇 Treatment
衡量 Measurement
挂钩 Hook
见证 Witness
复兴 Rejuvenation
超标 Exceed standard
荒漠 Desert
频度 Frequentness
烈度 Earthquake intensity
能耗 Energy consumption
疏忽 Carelessness
诉讼 Lawsuit
定义 Define
度量 Tolerance
固定资本 Fixed capital
剔除 Reject
规划 Plan
倚重 Rely on for counsel
输血 Blood transfusion
公益 Public good
支付 Payment
基尼系数 Gini coefficient
有机 Organic
所得税 Income tax
增值税 Value-added tax
执政 In power
考核 Examination
变数 Parameter
会计 Accountant
统筹 Pool
协调 Coordination
酝酿 Ferment
政绩 Achievements
闲置 Leave unused
大名鼎鼎 Famous
陷阱 Trap
隐患 Hidden danger
景气 Prosperous
福祉 Happiness
息息相关 Closely bound up
家喻户晓 Widely known
杂乱无章 Disorderly and unsystematic
不知所指 I wonder if that points
万能 Omnipotent
指标 Index
生本 Grow one
亦字 Word
有场 There is
求职 Job hunting
脍炙人口 Win universal praise
愚公移山 The Foolish Old Man removed the mountains
画蛇添足 Spoil the effect by adding what is superfluous
实事求是 Seek truth from facts
给矛 Give lances
自恃 Count on
大患 Great trouble
翦除 Jian eliminates
三个臭皮匠赛过诸葛亮 Three discredited cobblers are better than Zhu Ge-liang
行政 Administration
实干 Do solid work
协调 Coordination
争端 Dispute
渊博 Erudite
才华横溢 Characteristically brilliant
事过境迁 The affair is over and the situation has changed
优柔寡断 Indecisive
持之以恒 Persevere
拘泥 Adhere rigidly to
酒脱 The wine is taken off
不可思议 Inconceivable
滥芋充数 The excessive taro makes up the number
铤而走险 Make a desperate move
归天 Die
漏洞 Loophole
钻空子 Seek loopholes
套利 Arbitrage
典故 Allusion
思量 Consider
赏赐 Reward
竞相 Competitively
积极性 Enthusiasm
同构 Isomorphism
隐性 Recessiveness
动机 Motive
团队 Group
局面 Situation
急躁 Irritable
冲动 Excited
迟纯 It is late and pure
充数 Make up the number
庞大 Huge
禀赋 Natural endowment
互补 Complementary
干劲 Energy
才华横溢 Characteristically brilliant
优勇寡断 Excellent and brave and widowed and broken
钻空子 Seek loopholes
不可思议 Inconceivable
漏洞 Loophole
细节 Detail
竟相 Looks unexpectedly
链而走险 The chain takes a risk
挖掘 Excavate
羞愧 Ashamed
妙计 Wise move
弱化 Reduction
互补 Complementary
容忽 Hold it sometimes
超常 Go beyond the normal condition
宽容 Tolerant
实质 Essence
偏见 Prejudice
兼容 Compatible
干劲 Energy
超群 Superior
不拘 Regardless of
礼仪 Etiquette
凝聚 Condense
细节 Detail
群体 Colony
释放 Release
交加 Accompany each other
继位 Succeed to the throne
享用 Enjoy
功效 Efficiency
追溯 to trace back
转折 Turning point
梗概 a main idea
端倪 Clue
轨迹 Orbit, track
孕育 Pregnant with
胚胎 Embryo
假说 Hypothesis
归咎 to blame, ascribe to blame
殆尽 almost gone
概率 Probability
萌芽 Sprout
问世 to be presented to the public
门槛 Threshold
叹为观止 Acclaim as the acme of perfection
他的绘画收藏令人叹为观止。His collection of paintings is the most impressive.
传宗接代 Produce a male heir to continue the family line
根深蒂固 Deep-rooted 我们社会中普遍存在著根深蒂固的保守思想.There is a deep-seated conservatism running through our society.
前所未有 Unprecedented
辐射作用已达到前所未有的程度.Radiation reached unheard-of levels.
动员 Mobilization
孜孜不倦 work diligently and tirelessly
我们的总理孜孜不倦地为人民工作。Our Prime Minister is unwearied to work for people.
陷阱 Trap, snare
认同 Approval
激励 Encourage, urge
认同 Approval
驰名 Famous
扭曲 Distortion
世袭 traditionary
6 6
熬 Endure
强弩之末 Spent force
鸡肋 Chicken ribs
弄堂 a Lane, an alley
风骚 Coquettish, flirt
炽烈 Burning fiercely
酬 Realization
股份 Share
股东 Shareholder
白相 play
捐客 middle man
二道贩子 Two-way merchant
景气 Prosperous
扭亏增盈 Make up deficits and increase surpluses抓好企业扭亏增盈
门路 business connection
悭吝 Stingy
翩然 trippingly, nimbly
结拜 Become sworn brothers or sisters
拍板 give the final decision
走眼 See wrong
代销 Sell on a commission basis
解 send under escort (goods)
银货两讫 cash on delivery
执照 License
一应 everything
贤内助 better half
摩娑 use hand to rub
强制 enforce
怂恿 Instigate, the verbal act of urging on
挑剔 Nitpicking
遂 therefore
公证 Notarization
跳进黄河也洗不清 There's nothing one can do to clear one's name
窝囊 Good-for-nothing
跑得了和尚跑不了庙 even if you hide, you still can’t escape
兵戎相见 Resort to arms
舍命陪君子 disregard everything and follow somebody and do its task
面面相觑 not knowing what to do
食肉者谋之 The person who eats meat works for it
替罪羊 Scapegoat, fall guy, a person who is blamed for sth bad that sb else has done or for some failure
失察 Neglect one's supervisory duties
蒙蔽 Hoodwink, to make someone a fool by not telling the truth
指证 Accuse of
罪魁祸首 an arch- criminal Root of the trouble
恐怖分子是这次爆炸事件的罪魁祸首。Terrorists were responsible for the bomb explosion.
挥泪 Wipe away tears
马谡 Ma Su
曹操 Cao Cao
拎不清 not clear, not understandable
腐败 Corruption
廉洁 Honest
否极泰来 The extreme of adversity is the beginning of prosperity, after the rain comes the sushine
雨过天晴;否极泰来。After rain comes fair weather.
巴结 Fawning , flattering
恭敬 Respectful
除恶务尽 Evil must be completely eradicated
阴错阳差 due to all sorts of accidental mishaps
非同小可 it is indeed no trivial matter
他展现了非同小可的本事。He showed no small skill.
置之不理 disregard totally
.她对当地的流言蜚语置之不理。She snapped her fingers at the local gossip.
狗血喷头 Curse savagely, let loose a stream of abuse against sb.
She would eat his head off whenever he came in late.
甘心 Willing
深恶痛绝 Abhor,hate bitterly
1.我对残暴的行为深恶痛绝.I have a deep horror of cruelty.
一如既往 just as in the past
她对生活的极大乐趣一如既往.Her zest for life is as great as ever.
大包大揽 not worry about conditions or responsibilities, but rather take it all,undertake the whole things
故弄玄虚 be deliberately mystifying
迪克是个骗子,他在你面前故弄玄虚。Dick was a juggler, who threw mists before your eyes.
讨价还价 Bargain
不欢而散 part with ill feelings
因出现几句谩骂, 辩论会不欢而散.The debate was marred by a brief lapse into unpleasant name-calling.
堵塞 blockage
跃跃欲试 itch to try
细技未节 minor details
喜出望外 Overjoyed
忧心如焚 be dreadfully worried
机遇 Opportunity
在乎 Mind
效益 Benefit
担保 Guarantee
忽略 Neglect
壮志 Lofty ideal
亏空 Deficit
巴结 Fawning
恭敬 Respectful
攒 Collect together
担保 Guarantee
塑造 Mould
蜿蜒 Zigzag
栩栩如生 Lifelike
在这小说中,人物被描写得栩栩如生。The characters live in this novel.
款 Fund
玲珑 Exquisite
宗旨 Aim
进军 March
要素 Key element
载体 Carrier
内涵 Intension
始终不渝 Consistently, steadfastly
他对她始终不渝, 同甘共苦.He stuck by her through all life's ups and downs.
聚宝盆 goldmine
连销店 Chain shop
积淀 Accumulation
兼收并蓄 to swallow anything and everything (uncritically)
祥和 Happy and auspicious
意境 Artistic conception
缩影 epitome
渗透 Infiltration
气派 Magnificent
蕴含 Contain
涵盖 Contain
风云人物 Man of the hour
他是时下的风云人物。He is the man of the day.
传奇 Legend
精辟 Penetrating
荣膺 Honoured with
诠释 Annotation explanatory note
秉承 Inherit
缩影 Epitome
沧桑 Vicissitudes
挑战 Challenge
囊括 Include
沉浮 Rise and fall
挂钩 Hook
悬殊 With a wide gap
青睐 Favor
底蕴 Inside information
比拟 Analogy
推崇 High praise
刻意 Painstaking
佳酿 Good wine
窝点 Den
定位 Localization
老字号 Old established firm
魅力 Glamour
法宝 Magic weapon
加盟 Joining
纽带 Tie
寓意 Implied meaning
理念 Idea
对策 Countermeasure
闪失 Mishap
黯然失色 be outshone
几名较年轻演员的崛起使他黯然失色。He has been eclipsed by several younger actors.
突飞猛进 make phenomenal progress
日本在发展新技术的竞争中突飞猛进.Japan is galloping ahead in the race to develop new technologies.
精益求精 seek for greater perfection
尼任斯基对演技精益求精一丝不苟.Nijinsky was unsparing in his demands for perfection.
独树一帜 advocate something unique
评论家们称赞该作品独树一帜.Critics praised the work as highly original.
雷厉风行 (of an order, a policy etc.) speedy and strict enforcement
别看他快五十岁了,工作却是雷厉风行。Though nearly 50, he was exceptionally vigorous in work.
息息相关 每一位员工都兴公司的命运息息相关。Every employee is interested in the fate of the company.
比比皆是 Can be found everywhere
引人瞩目 As a kid, I never did anything unless somebody was watching.
推陈出新 find something new in what is old
相得益彰 bring out the best in each other
A fine wine is a complement to a good meal.
高屋建瓴 operate from a strategically advantageous position
*数不胜数 countless
*遥遥领先 hold a safe lead
One team has already built up a commanding lead.
*前所未有 Unprecedented
辐射作用已达到前所未有的程度.Radiation reached unheard-of levels.
根深蒂固 Deep-rooted 我们社会中普遍存在著根深蒂固的保守思想.There is a deep-seated conservatism running through our society.
叹为观止 Acclaim as the acme of perfection
他的绘画收藏令人叹为观止。His collection of paintings is the most impressive.
*孜孜不倦 work diligently and tirelessly
我们的总理孜孜不倦地为人民工作。Our Prime Minister is unwearied to work for people.
*置之不理 disregard totally
她对当地的流言蜚语置之不理。She snapped her fingers at the local gossip.
*非同小可 it is indeed no trivial matter
他展现了非同小可的本事。He showed no small skill.
*不厌其烦 be very patient
*一如既往 just as in the past, as before
她对生活的极大乐趣一如既往.Her zest for life is as great as ever.
*肃然起敬 be filled with deep veneration
畏之如虎 extremely afraid
寝食不宁 feel uneasy when eating and sleeping
坐卧不安 feel restless
忧心如焚 be dreadfully worried
*跃跃欲试 itch to try
今天,青年人普遍感到机会来了,特别是有技术、有专长的青年更是跃跃欲试 。
怦然行动 feel very nervous when seeing someone or something
大包大揽 not worry about conditions or responsibilities, but rather take it all,undertake the whole things
*喜出望外 Overjoyed
他们喜出望外 ,迅速开了证明寄到先生家。
故弄玄虚 be deliberately mystifying
迪克是个骗子,他在你面前故弄玄虚。Dick was a juggler, who threw mists before your eyes.
*不欢而散 part with ill feelings
因出现几句谩骂, 辩论会不欢而散.The debate was marred by a brief lapse into unpleasant name-calling.
兵戒相见 war can solve problems
面面相觑 not knowing what to do
*惊恐万状 in great panic
*罪魁祸首 an arch- criminal Root of the trouble
恐怖分子是这次爆炸事件的罪魁祸首。Terrorists were responsible for the bomb explosion.
*深恶痛绝 Abhor,hate bitterly
我对残暴的行为深恶痛绝.I have a deep horror of cruelty.
出谋划策 give counsel, mastermind
*突飞猛进 make phenomenal progress
日本在发展新技术的竞争中突飞猛进.Japan is galloping ahead in the race to develop new technologies.
黯然失色 be outshone
几名较年轻演员的崛起使他黯然失色。He has been eclipsed by several younger actors.
*引人瞩目 fascinated by someone
As a kid, I never did anything unless somebody was watching.
*栩栩如生 Lifelike
在这小说中,人物被描写得栩栩如生。The characters live in this novel。
精益求精 seek for greater perfection
尼任斯基对演技精益求精一丝不苟.Nijinsky was unsparing in his demands for perfection.
独树一帜 advocate something unique
评论家们称赞该作品独树一帜.Critics praised the work as highly original.
*始终不渝 Consistently, steadfastly
他对她始终不渝, 同甘共苦.He stuck by her through all life's ups and downs.
推陈出新 find something new in what is old
兼收并蓄 to swallow anything and everything (uncritically)
报刊下 三年级
崛起 Emergence
比方 example
愈益 more and more
凝聚力 Cohesiveness
雄心壮志 Abmition
境界 Realm
无与伦比 Unparalleled
抉择 Choice
莲勃 The lotus is vigorous
轨道 Track
趋利避害 Go after profits and advoid disadvantages
庞大 Huge
侵略 Invasion
内涵 Intension
借鉴 Reference
弘扬 Carry forward
统筹 Pool
义无反顾 Find it one's obigation to walk forward and not to turn back
使命 Mission
视角 Visual angle
契机 Opportunity
部暑 Department heat
一把手 Leader
盘点 Make an inventory
弥足 Fill the foot
滞销 Unsalable
反差 Contrast
灌输 Inculcate
僵化 Rigid
挑肥拣瘦 Choose whichever is to one personal advantage
期望值 Expected value
积压 Accumulate
饱和 Saturation
广袤 Length and breadth of land
顺应 Comply with
摩肩接踵 Jostle each other in a crowd
应接不暇 Have more visitors or business than one can attend to
排行榜 Billboard
苟同 Agree
元典 Yuans of allusion quatation
涵盖 Contain
匮乏 Deficient
寒酸 Humble
几率 Probability
殿堂 Palace
粗制滥造 Manufacture in a rough way
跟风 With the wind
过眼烟云 Floating smoke and passing clouds
玩味 Ponder
转型 Transition
迷茫 Vast and hazy
淹没 Flood
困境 Predicament
上乘 Superior
追随 Follow
潜力 Potentiality
明晰 Distinct
低迷 Depressing
无可厚非 Give no cause for much criticism
炒作 Propagation
天花乱坠 A wild boast
水货 Smuggled goods
黑货 Smuggled goods
水晶 Crystal
基金会 Foundation
纽带 Tie
腼腆 Shy
稚嫩 Tender
睿智 Wise and farsighted
频繁 Frequent
淳朴 Honest
诺言 Promise
注册 Register
募集 Raise
慈善 Charitable
寄养 Foster
温馨 Warm
抚慰 Conciliate
奔波 Rush about
腭裂 Cleft palate
脍炙人口 Win universal praise
祈望 Wish
徜徉 Roam leisurely
斑斓 Gorgeous
户籍 Household register
格局 Pattern
集装箱 Container
覆盖 Cover
耸立 Tower
折借 Roll over and borrow
淘金 Panning
不可同日而语 Do not stand comparison
亭子间 Garret
阁楼 Attic
悄然 Quietly
逼仄 Force narrowly
领略 Have a taste of
螺蛳壳 Spiral shell's shell
里弄 Lanes and alleys
豁然 Suddenly
仰慕 Admire
谋面 Meet
截至 Up to
迁徒 Move in vain
追根溯源 Trace to its source
开埠 Open the port
恭维 Compliment
闯荡 Make a living away from home
胸襟 Mind
敏锐 Sharp
纷至沓来 Come in a continuous stream
举世瞩目 Attract worldwide attention
信贷 Credit
顺口溜 – jingle Jingle -jingle
改良 Improvement
缩影 Epitome
任重道远 Shoulder heavy responsibilities
机制 Mechanism
探索 Exploration
约束 Restraint
分散 Scattering
攻坚 Assault fortified position
严酸 Tight acid
旱作 The drought doing
地膜 Plastic film
沼气 Marsh gas
三位一体 The Trinity
有条不紊 Orderly
巩固 Consolidate
绵延 Continuous
载体 Carrier
痕迹 Mark
日新月异 Change with each passing day
肤浅 Superficial
洞察力 Insight
摧毁 Destroy
发祥地 Origin
灵魂 Soul
脉络 Train of thought
官邸 Official residence
作坊 Workshop
愚昧 Ignorance
追溯 Trace back to
绊脚石 Stumbling-block
追溯 Trace back to
绊脚石 Stumbling-block
轮廓 Outline
俯拾皆是 Bow and collect all
丰盈 Full and round
衔接 Link up
镶嵌 Inlay
奢侈 Luxurious
蜕变 Change in quality
威胁 Threat
债务 Debt
配备 Outfit
势在必行 Imperative
辅助 Assist
精干 Keen-witted and capable
廉洁 Honest
举措 Action
扭转 Turn back
审定 Authorization
运转 Operation
范畴 Category
挂钩 Hook
相悖 Run counter to
相铺相成 Pave and become
错综复杂-complex Intricate- complex
不懈 Untiring
逼近 Approach
配偶 Spouse
失衡 Out-of-balance
偏离 Bias
百分点-percentage pt. Percentage point- percentage pt.
吻合 Identical
拐卖 Abduct
负面 Negative
诸多 A great deal of
缺陷 Defect
迁移 Migration
边缘化 Marginalisation
监狱 Prison
融合 Integration
悬殊 With a wide gap
试点 Pilot project
歧视 Discrimination
绝育 Sterilization
胎儿 Foetus
鉴定 Qualification
妊娠 Gestation
溺 Drown- drown
行政 Administration
拥堵 Gather around and stop up
因噎废食 Put off easily by a slight risk
内需 Domestic demand
优化 Optimization
缓解 Alleviate
密度 Density
效能 Efficiency
转嫁 Shift
负荷 Load
雪上加霜 Disasters pile up on one another
淡薄 Thin
各行其道 Take their own roads
违章 Break rules and regulations
弥补 Remedy
膨胀 Inflation
繁华 Flourishing
配置 Disposition
当务之急 Task of top priority
呼吁 Appeal
秀 Beautiful
比比皆是 Can be found everywhere
有机 Organic
引擎二 Engine two
可见一斑 Can see a spot
滞后 Lagging
妥帖 Appropriate
得体 Proper
灭绝 Extinction
警惕 Look out
异化 Alienation
忧心忡忡 Weighed down with anxieties
函 Letter
淡漠 Indifferent
烙 Bake
意蕴 Connotation
川流不息 Stream past in an endless flow
慰藉 Consolation
漂白 Bleach
蔚为大观 Afford a magnificent spectacle
负载 Load
昭示 Declare publicly
祥瑞 Auspicious and auspicious
千里迢迢 From afar
湛蓝 Azure
凛冽 Piercingly cold
亮点 Light spot
万象更新 Everything looks fresh and gay
祈盼 Pray for and look forward to
切磋 Learn from each other
渲染 Play up
氛围 Atmosphere
隐患 Hidden danger
一刀切 Make it rigidly uniform
挨家挨户 From house to house
弱化 Reduction
漠视 Ignore
喜闻乐见 Love
勃勃 Vigorous
空巢 Empty nest
瞩目 Attract attention
振奋 Inspire
道行 Attainments of a Taoist priest
辉煌 Brilliant
万无一失 Perfectly safe
宇航 Space flight
刷新 Break
着陆 Land
序幕 Prelude
逃逸 Escape
攻克 Capture
高精尖 High-grade , precision and advanced
宏伟 Grand
气魄 Daring
远见卓识 Foresight and sagacity
举足轻重 Very important
潜在 Potential
犹如 Like
半导体 Semiconductor
元件 Component
精良 Superior
构造 Structure
飓风 Hurricane
海啸 Tsunami
阻力 Obstruction
罗纹 Silk gauze line
育种 Breeding
不胜枚举 Too numerous to mention
漫步 Stroll
激发 Excite
拭目以待 Wait and see
遗产 Legacy
里程碑 Milestone
门槛 Threshold
缔约国 Contracting party
激励 Encouragement
凋敝 Depressed
迎刃而解 Easily solved
发掘 Explore
倾注 Throw into
跃跃欲试 Eager to have a try
方兴未艾 In the ascendant
瓶颈 Bottleneck
戛然而止 But Ga stopping
归咎 Impute to
浸渍 Flood
硕大 Very large
怵目惊心 Shocking
赫然 Impressively
画蛇添足 Spoil the effect by adding what is superfluous
杀鸡取卵 Sacrifice future gains to satisfy present needs
曝光 Exposed
横亘 Lie across
陵寝 Mausoleum
披露 Disclosure
窘境 Awkward situation
矗立 Stand
频频 Frequent
爆满 Full
不堪 Can't bear
过江之鲫 Cross the crucian carp in the river
喧嚣 Noisy
索道 Cableway
杀风景 Spoil the fun
痛心疾首 Bitter
耸人听闻 Deliberately exaggerate facts so as to creat a sensation
异想天开 Have a fantastic idea
荒唐 It is ridiculous
15 15
临界点 Critical point
干预 Intervention
幡然 The long narrow flag is right
遏制 Containment
极瑞 Extremely auspicious
隐蔽 Conceal
苛刻 Harsh
绝境 Impasse
咨询 Consultation
隐瞒 Concealment
制约 Restriction
蕴藏 Contain
症结 Crux
弊病 Disadvantage
砝码 Weight
濒临 Close to
史无前例 Unprecedented
孤儿 Orphan
阐述 Exposition
威胁 Threat
16 16
缘起 Genesis
双刃剑 Double-edged sword
拓宽 Widen
瘾 Addiction
娱乐 Amusement
浏览 Have a look around
诱惑 Enticement
沉迷 Addiction
虚拟 Fictitious
释放 Release
万事大吉 Everything is just fine
摒除 Forgo
寓教于乐 Reside and teach Yu Le
宣泄 Lead off
虚幻 Unreal
适可而止 Stop before going too far
支撑 Support
检讨 Self-criticism
一无所知 Know nothing
萎缩 Shrink
旮旯儿 Corner
屡禁不止 Remain incessant after repeated prohibition
一蹴而就 Accomplish in one move
多管齐下 Leave multicellly together
17 17
态势 Situation
崇尚 Advocate
素食 Vegetarian diet
秉承 Inherit
堂而皇之 Openly and legally
雄赳赳 Valiantly
新颖 Novel
眼帘 Eye
无愧 Have nothing to be ashamed of
比拟 Analogy
切肤之痛 Keenly felt pain
徘徊 Wander up and down
赤子 Compatriot
东道主 Host
迄今 So far
柔道 Judo
跆拳道 Tae kwon do
奠定 Establish
九霄云外 Beyond the highest heavens
司空见惯 Customary
土著 Original inhabitants
田径 Track and field
惹恼 Make angry
删除 Deletion
网开一面 Give lenient treatment
耿耿于怀 Take to heart
嘉奖 Bonus
包干制 Overall rationing system
18 18
并行不悖 Run parallel with
移植 Transplantation
本土化 Localization
迎合 Cater to
收益 Income
差异 Difference
固然 No doubt
超前 Leading
显而易见 Obvious
入乡随俗 Do as they do at Rome
强势 Advantage
一味 Simply
屈从 Submit to
余暇 Spare time
宽容 Tolerant
鲜为人知 Rarely known by the people
衍生 Derive
闭关锁国 Of seclusion
独霸 Dominate exclusively
瓜分 Dismember
此消彼长 He is long that this disappears
你死我活 Life-and-death
轮回 Samsara
屈辱 Diagraceful
19 19
竹简 Bamboo slip
倾国倾城 Incline in the whole city of the country
抱怨 Complaint
毅然 Resolutely
整容 Accept the plastic surgery
攀升 Soaring
前仆后继 Step into the breach as another fell
任凭 Let
咋舌 Left speechless
大张旗鼓 On a grand scale
无庸置疑 Undoubtedly
林林总总 The forest and forest are always always
匪夷所恩 Robber's safe kindness
得不偿失 Lose more than gain
砸锅 Fail
笑柄 Laughing stock
警句 Epigram
假昌伪劣 False and prosperous and fake and poor
内涵 Intension
惊诧 Surprised
排斥 Repel
舆论 Public opinion
摇旗呐喊 Carry the banner and cheer
愚弄 Deceive
20 20
全力以赴 Go all out
谋求 Seek
标志 Sign
耕地 Cultivated land
永续 Continue forever
砍伐 Cutting down
开垦 Cultivation
抵消 Offset
二氧化硫 Sulfur dioxide
酸雨 Acid rain
诱发 Bring out
分贝 Decibel
臭氧层 Ozone layer
温室效应 Greenhouse effects
反省 Introspection
片面 One-sided
共识 Common understanding
富庶 Rich and populous
压榨 Press
名备 The name preparing against
储量 Reserves
纬度 Latitude
极地 Polar region
热带 Tropical zone
粗房型 Thick house type
三废 Three wastes
膳食 Meal
同步 Synchronism
悠久 Long
杜绝 Stop
五花八门 Multifarious
别墅 Villa
星罗棋布 Spread all over the place
小五金 Hardware
转折 Turn
升级 Upgrading
换代 Replacement
就业 Employment
主力军 Mainstay
代名词 Pronoun
厂房 Factory building
螺钉 Screw
物资 Goods and materials
推销 Distribution
独占鳌头 Come out top
涉足 Set foot in
尖端 Peak
今非昔比 Times have changed
兼并 Annexation
国民生产总值 Gross national product
岗位 Post
财政 Finance
岗位 Post
交货总值 Total value that deliver goods
销路 Sale
税收 Tax revenue
深情 With deep feeling
海选 Wide election
村委会 Committee in the village
政权 Regime
监督 Supervision
选民 Voter
参与 Participation
勤务员 Odd-jobman
公仆 Public servant
宁肯 Prefer
乌纱帽 Black gauze cap
基层 Basic unit
民政局 Department of Civil Affairs
奔 Go straight
候选人 Candidate
竞选 Run for
当家做主 Master one's own affairs
脱贫致富 Shake off poverty and set out on the road to prosperity
集体经济 Collective economy
下台 Step down from the stage
关注 Concern
表决 Vote
见效 Become effective
乡亲 Villager
老爷 Master
小康 Well-to-do level
依据 Basis
民意 The will of the people
排忧解难 Remove difficulties and alleviate sufferings
开通 Open
专线 Special line
连心锁 Close links with the masses
推进器 Propeller
士气 Morale
误解 Misunderstanding
使命 Mission
法制 Legal system
诚意 Sincerity
参政 Participate in government and political affairs
议政 Discuss political affairs and other major and important matters
琢磨 Ponder over
意味深长 Meaningful
贪污 Corruption
腐化 Corruption
实惠 Material benefit
启动 Arrival
受理 Accept
投诉 Appeal
热点 Focus
化解 Dissolve
廉政 Honest and good governement
曝光 Exposed
选题 Selected title
检查 Check
走私 Smuggle
受贿 Accept bribes
立案 Place on file
挽回 Retrieve
法院 Court
判处 Sentence
死刑 Death penalty
剥夺 Deprive
审判 Trial
裁定 Adjudication
严惩 Punish severely
腐败 Corruption
国法 National law
遏制 Containment
势头 Momentum
反弹 Rebounding
检察长 Chief procurator
挪用 Divert funds
行贿 Bribe
司法 Administration of justice
收受 Receive
伙同 In collusion with
驳回 Reject
上诉 Appeal
定罪 Declare guilty
罪有应得 Serve you right
触犯 Offence
刑律 Criminal law
媒体 Media
伐木 Lumbering
逝世 Passed away
哀悼 Condolence
林业 Forestry
木材 Timber
永续 Continue forever
生态 Ecology
防护林 Shelter forest
缩短 Shorten
占领 Capture
工头 Foreman
残酷 Cruel
称号 Title
林场 Forest farm
荒山秃岭 Deserted mountain and bald mountain range
采伐 Fell
欠账 Debt
忙碌 Busy
逞能 Parade ability
清福 Easy and carefree life
三长两短 Unexcepted misfortune
义务 Obligation
颁发 Issue
机制 Mechanism
绿化 Afforestation
意识 Consciousness
疑难 Difficulty
立法 Legislation
含量 Content
沙尘 Dust and sand
履行 Performance
规划 Plan
法规 Regulation
整治 Renovation
题写 Inscribe
环保 Environmental protection
碑 Tablet
矗立 Stand
进展 Progress
旁观 Look on
治理 Administration
访谈录 Interview record
追求 Pursue
考察 Investigation
植被 Vegetation
惦记 Keep thinking about
晨练 Morning exercises
注重 Pay attention to
下属 Subordinate
实效 Actual effect
客观 Objective
污泥 Mud
园林局 Landscape bureau
唤醒 Wake up
23 23
梦想 Dream
协调 Coordination
格局 Pattern
时机 Opportunity
先行 Go ahead of the rest
集团 Group
名牌 Famous brand
顾问 Advisor
聘书 Letter of appointment
省长 Provincial governor
信息产业 Information industry
水利 Water conservancy
畜牧业 Animal husbandry
矿产 Mineral products
振兴 Development
宣告 Declaration
相比 Compare
原煤 Raw coal
荣获 Win
羊绒衫 Cashmere sweater
销往 Sold to
优势 Advantage
结义 Form justice
喜出望外 Overjoyed
对接 Butt joint
一见如故 Friendly at the first meeting
知音 Bosom friend
系 Tie
培训 Training
24 24
振奋 Inspire
截流 Dam
壮举 Heroic undertaking
投亲靠友 Go and live with one's relatives or friends
外迁 Move outside
库区 Reservoir area
客轮 Passenger steamer
安家落户 Settle
移民 Immigration
开工 Go into operation
电力 Electricity
电网 Electric wire netting
骨架 Skeleton
罕见 Rare
信号弹 Signal flare
预定 Book
给以 Give
水电 Water and electricity
龙口 Longkou
卸 Unload
石料 Building stones
协力 Pull together
合龙 Closure
山民 Mountain people
迁居 Move
安置 Find a room for
容量 Capacity
减免 Deductions and exemptions
水电站 Power station
戈壁滩 Serir
沧桑 Vicissitudes
罕垦 Cultivate rarly
绿洲 Oasis
辣椒 Hot pepper
知青 Educated youth
荒草 Neglect grasses
历尽艰辛 Go through all kinds of hardships and difficulties
羽绒服 Down coat
屯垦戍边 Station troops for opening up wasteland and guard the frontier
迷人 Pleasant
拓荒 Open up virgin soil
镐 Pick
荒原 Wasteland
壮举 Heroic undertaking
江南 The South
明珠 Jewel
号子 Work song
驿站 Post
陈列 Display
犁 Plow
支边 Aid the border areas
扎根 Take root
回报 Repayment
无私 Unselfish
奉献 Devotion
激励 Encouragement
漫长 Long
历程 Course
偶然 Accidental
阻碍 Hinder
制约 Restriction
26 26
乡长 Chief of township
投票 Vote
米袋子 Rice sack
票子 Paper money
拖拉机 Tractor
良马 Good horse
亲情 Kindred
回访团 Pay a return visit to the group
捐赠 Present
片段 Passage
中专 Special secondary school
演说 Make a speech
布衣 Commoner
向往 Yearn for
会歌 Anthem of the games
民运会 The mass movement knowing
沟通 Communicate
秋千 Swing
聚集 Gathering
集会 Meeting
灾区 Disaster area
情谊 Friendly feelings
同舟共济 Share in trouble
27 27
首席代表 Chief delegate
感受 Impression
敏锐 Sharp
遗憾 Regret
官方 Official side
商会 Association of dealers
老乡会 The fellow-villager knows
谋生 Make a living
恋家 Reluctant to be away from home
知已 Had already knew
勤奋 Diligence
观念 Idea
资助 Subsidy
孝敬 Give presents to one's elders
礼节 Courtesy
全家欢 The whole family is joyous
珍藏 Collection
神圣 Sacred
落叶归根 Finally return to the ancestral home
外资企业 Overseas-funded enterprise
场所 Place
拜访 Visit
风格 Style
作风 Style
随意 At will
28 28
综艺 Variety
呈现 Appear
主办 Sponsor
目睹 Witness
婚庆 Wedding celebration
感叹 Say with feeling
凑合 Not so bad
主流 Mainstream
担忧 Worry
动摇 Wavering
渗透 Infiltration
询问 Inquiry
谈情说爱 Talk love
异性 Opposite sex
相亲 Blindly date
风采 Elegance
倾诉 Pour out
遗忘 Forget
角落 Corner
呼唤 Call
横贯 Traverse
山盟海誓 Swear an cath of enduring fidelity
喜笑颜开 Beaming with smiles
29 29
种牛 Bull kept for covering
名符其实 Worthy of the name
引智 Absorb wisdom
联结 Connection
寄托 Find sustenance
奶牛 Cow
写照 Portrayal
拳拳 Sincere
节假日 Festivals or holidays
遍及 Spread all over
顺理成章 Natural
文教 Culture and education
筹备 Prepare
腾飞 Rapid development
派遣 Send
团体 Group
合资企业 Joint venture
摇篮 Cradle
养殖 Cultivate
产业化 Industrialization
跃居 Leap to
估算 Estimation
30 30
授予 Authorize
两弹一星 Two bombs and one satellite
功郧 Work Yun
奖章 Medal
功臣 Person who has rendered outstanding service
会战 Mass campaign
核爆炸 Nuclear explosion
返回式卫星 Returning type satellite
卫星 Satellite
发射 Transmission
枚 One
自行 By oneself
自卫 Self-defence
核武器 Nuclear weapons
勇往直前 Advance bravely
航天 Spaceflight
靶场 Shooting range
原子弹 Atomic bomb
外电 Dispatch from foreign news agency
闪电 Lightning
神话 Mythology
塔架 Tower shelf
表彰 Commendation
凝聚力 Cohesiveness
知慧 It is intelligent to know
科教兴国 Revitalize the nation through science and education
艰险 Hard and dangerous
艰驱 It is difficult to drive
献身 Dedicate oneself to
奖赏 Award
31 31
白皮书 White paper
文告 Proclamation
阐述 Exposition
领土 Territory
民众 People
探亲 Visit one's relatives
传送 Conveyance
彼此 So must you
事变 Incident
侵占 Occupy
当局 Authorities
若干 Several
宣布 Announce
若 If
被迫 Forced
粉碎 Crush
图谋 Plot
重申 Reaffirm
党派 Party groupings
同胞 Compatriot
阻止 Prevention
行径 Conduct
同根同源 With the homology of the root
血脉 Blood vessels
割断 Cut off
无疑 Undoubtedly
抗洪 Flood fighting
救灾 Provide disaster relief
32 32
裁减 Reduction
全力以赴 Go all out
确保 Guarantee
业绩 Achievement
辜负 Fail to live up to
洪水 Flood
血汗 Sweat on the brow
誓死 Pledge life
前言 Preface
军控 Arms control
裁军 Disarmament
坚定不移 Unshakable
防御性 Defensive
抵抗 Resist
保卫 Safeguard
精简 Simplify
炮兵 Artilleryman
编制 Work out
抢险 Rush to deal with an emergency
内政 Internal affairs
断然 Absolutely
武力 Military force
解放军 PLA man
出动 Set out
将军 General
决堤 Breach a dyke
汪洋 Vast sea
慰问 Solicitude
紧急 Urgent
前线 Front
考验 Test
水位 Water level
祛寒 Dispell the cold
遥控器 Remote controller
信号 Signal
灵敏 Sensitive
组装 Equipment
回绝 Refuse
检测 Measuring
配件 Fittings
予 I
入手 Start with
理赔 Settle a claim
补救 Remedy
分头 Separately
挽回 Retrieve
不良 Bad
柑橘 Citrus
变质 Go bad
出具 write up
食用 Edible
寒流 Cold current
抽样 Sample
上乘 Superior
困惑 Puzzled
确凿 definite; conclusive; undeniable
属实 verified
长话短说 Make a long story short
毫无疑问 Undoubted
打破沙锅问到底 Insist on getting to the bottom of the matter
水落石出 eventually truth will prevail
十拿九稳 90 percent sure
完好无损 Stand intact
短量 Short quantity
代理人 Agent
兴许 Perhaps
湿度 Humidity
溢 Overflow
极限 Limit
相应 Corresponding
大宗 Large
饲料 Fodder , feed, feeding stuff
水尺 Water gauge
测定 Determine
出入 Discrepancy
补足 bring up to full strength
委托人 trustee
妥善 Appropriate
船到桥头自然直 You will cross the bridge when you get to it; everything will be solved
迎刃而解 (of a difficult problem) be solved neatly
十有八九 Most likely
策略 Tactics
屏幕 Screen
归纳 Sum up
策划 Planning
年度 Year
持平 Fair
追踪 Track
定位 position
层次 Level
诉求 appeal
激发 Excite
合脚 Shut the foot
料子 Material
未知数 Unknown number
持 Hold
仰仗 Rely on
动态 Trends
画面 Picture
隔行如隔山 Difference in profession makes one feel worlds apart
为时过早 premature, too soon
酒好也怕巷子深 yeah, the product is good, but we have to publicize well enough
失敬 Sorry
沏茶 Infuse tea
财务 Financial affairs
预算 Budget
调研 Investigation and research
媒体 Media
租金 Rent
公关 Public relations
杂费 Incidentals , miscellaneous fees or expenses
开支 Expenses
单列 Arrange only
提交 Submit
算账 Do accounts
预支 Pay in advance
参照 Consult
预测 Prediction
知名度 Popularity
周期 Cycle
户外 The open air
品尝 Have a trial test
做东 Act as the host, to treat
一目了然 Very clear
亲兄弟, 明算账 Even brothers keep careful accounts
恭敬不如从命 Obedience is better than politeness
单项 (sports) Individual event
促销 sales Promotion
认同 Approval
思路 Thinking
遗忘 Forget
色调 hue
淡雅 Simple and elegant
搭配 Matching
反差 Contrast
强化 Strengthen
收视率 Audience rating
发行量 Quantity issued
刊登 Publication
覆盖面 covering surface
图样 Pattern
草图 Sketch map
套红 red printing
信仰 Faith
承办 Undertake
物色 Look out for
代理商 Agent
美言 Put in a good word
见外 Regard as an outsider
欲速则不达 More haste, less speed
兼而有之 Have both at the same time
当仁不让 not pass on to others what one is called upon to do
异议 Objection
荷 express surprise
全权 Authorized
近似 Approximate
误导 Misleading
线条 Lines
递交 Submit
私了 Solve privately
恶意 Evil intention
抢先 to rush
陷阱 Trap
续展 renew, renewal, extension
工商局 Industrial and commercial bureau
说曹操,曹操就到 Speak of the devil, here comes the devil now
先礼后兵 Try peaceful means before resorting to force
游戏规则 Rule of the game
当断不断, 必受其乱 do decision quick, don’t hesitate
经手 to Handle
结案 end a case
评审 Evaluation
观望 Look around
小看 Look down upon
明智 Wise
域名 Domain name
善意 Goodwill
在先 Formerly
诉讼 Lawsuit
胜诉 Win a lawsuit
举报 Reporting of the offence
举证 Put to the proof
许可 Permission
子公司 Subsidiary
同年 In the same year
一石激起千层浪 One stone evokes a thousand layers of waves, because of one event and this causes a lot of attraction
言归正传 Return to point, get down to business
无可非议 Blameless
经纪人 Broker
怠慢 I am afraid I have been a poor host
败火 Relieve inflammation or internal heat
琢磨 Ponder over
代理人 Agent
连同 With
买断 Buy out ?
摊牌 Have a showdown , put one's cards on the table
摊子 Stand
不宜 inappropriate
和气 polite, kind manners, friendly
宝地 your place
赏光 do the honor of attending
豪杰 person of outstanding talent
地域 Region
授权 authorize, mandate
独占 Monopolize
享有 Enjoy
改动 Change
附着 Adhere to
名誉 Reputation
终止 .to stop; to end; to terminate; to break; to bring to an end; to put an end to; to end off
供方 Supplier
受方 Recipient
水墨画 Ink and wash painting
苦丁茶 Make man's tea bitter
打退堂鼓 to retreat
不按牌里出牌 not following the rules
有层窗户纸没有捅破 some words are not spoken
求之不得 most welcome
股比 stock
力度 Dynamics
制约 Restriction
收购 Purchase
兼并 to acquire
加盟 Joining
思路 Thinking
断言 Affirm
团体 Group
利好 Advantage
董事 Director
通报 circulate information
不谋而合 Perfectly in harmony or agreement without previous consultation
心有灵犀一点通 a close rapport , a close understanding
议事日程 Agenda
隔断 cut off
锦标赛 Championship
营销 Marketing
未知数 Unknown number
意向 disposition
部件 Part
灵通 Well informed
可行性 Feasibility
财务 Financial affairs
盈利 Make profits
营利 Commercial
简明 Concise
慕名 Out of admiration for the reputation
水到渠成 Success will come after conditions are ripe
画上圆满的句号 have one's wishes fulfilled
机不可失,时不再来 take the opportunity, don’t miss it
包间 Parlor
民营 Private
破费 Spend money
见外 Regard as an outsider
引见 Introduction
实力 Strength
概率 Probability
直觉 Intuition
看重 Value
倾向 Inclined to
呈现 Appear
热衷 Keen on
宽泛 It is suffused with that it is wide
勘探 Exploration
潮流 Trend
机遇 Opportunity
上策 Best plan
创办 Establishment
拖延 Delay
爱莫能助 Willing to help but unable to do so
八九不离十 Very near
何乐而不为 Why not do it
运作 Operation
提交 Submit
董事会 Board of directors
述职 Report on one’s work
上马 start (a project)
挑剔 Nitpicking
节能 Energy-conservation
看好 Good
太阳能 Solar energy
热水器 Water heater
封闭 Close
壁垒 Barrier
先决 Prerequisite
棘手 Thorny
恭候 Await respectfully
换个角度说 let’s see at another point of view
天时,地利,人和 Weather , favourable terrain, the support of the people ???
万事俱备,只欠东风 All is ready except what is crucial.一晃 Flash
开业 Open
创意 Intention
风光 Scene
搁浅 Stranded
兴建 Construction
到位 Put in place
进度 Progress
相等 Equal to
不外乎 Nothing more than
税率 Tax rate
无事不登三宝殿 Never go to the temple for nothing
醉翁之意不在酒 The drinker's heart is not in the cup
情有独钟 Deeply in love with
事务所 Office
鼎力 Strength of the pot
招标 Bid
拍卖 Auction
没底 There is no bottom
投标 Bid
论证 Demonstration
基地 Base
露天 In the open
开采 Exploitation
品位 Grade
杂质 Impurity
矿山 Mine
容量 Capacity
千瓦 Kilowatt
淡化 Desalinization
善后 Deal with problems arising from an accident
隐患 Hidden danger
资产 Assets
秘鲁 Peru
鼎力 Strength of the pot
一事不烦二主 No two irritated masters of the matter
远水解不了近渴 Distant water can not quench present thirst
考察 Investigation
跟踪 Follow
平面图 Plane figure
霍 Huo
物流 Logistics
配套 Form a complete set
住宅 House
休闲 Recreation
娱乐 Amusement
专题 Special topic
京津塘高速公路 Expressway of Beijing-Tianjin-Tanggu
名不虚传 Live up to its reputation
耳目一新 Find everything fresh and new
一应俱全 All available
微缩 Contract a little
模型 Model
纳税人 Taxpayer
不愧 Deserve to be called
创新 Innovation
创建 Establishment
创汇 Earn foreign exchange
金融 Finance
潜力 Potentiality
远见 Foresight
税收 Tax revenue
一概而论 Treat as the same
各有千秋 Has his strong points
车间 Workshop
展台 Stand
助理 Assistant
主打 Mainly hit
型号 Type
夸口 Speak boastfully
种类 Kind
知名 Famous
品牌 Brand
份额 Share
国产 Domestic
定位 Localization
可比性 Comparativity
激光 Laser
针对 Direct against
同类 Similar
有限 Limited
芯片 Chip
软件 Software
兼容性 Compatibility
快速 Fast
专利 Patent
接替 Take over
前提 Prerequisite
授予 Authorize
交付 Hand over
印戳 Stamp
定义 Define
甘蔗没有两头甜 It is sweet that the sugarcane has no both ends
付之东流 Irrevocably lost
反过来说 On the contrary
示意 Hint
椭圆形 Ellipse
透露 Reveal
披露 Disclosure
鉴于 In view of
泄漏 Let out
一揽子 Package
对等 Reciprocity
所有权 Ownership
创新 Innovation
中止 Desistance
休会 Adjourn
先下人, 后君子 Put people first , and then the gentleman
显而易见 Obvious
如此说来 In this case
经纪人 Broker
标的 Target
程控 Programme-controlled
交换机 Exchanger
培训 Training
验收 Confirmation
试车 Take a trial run
称职 Fill a post with credit
复核 Check
共识 Common understanding
工时 Man-hour
自制 Self-control
清单 Inventory
先例 Precedent
半价 Half price
刨根问底儿 Get to the bottom
因小失大 Try to save a little only to lose a lot
心急吃不了热豆腐 Can't eat the hot bean curd impatiently
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